We’ve done an extended test to find out if Celosia plumosa cutflowers can be transported by air. For that we’ve done a transport simulation with plumosa of the new “Sunday” series.

We carried out three treatments:

  1. Watering them uncooled for a few hours and then in a box,
  2. Watering them cooled for a few hours and in a box, and
  3. Dry in a box direct after harvesting. All treatments were cooled extremely at 2.C during twelve hours and then left for a few hours in the box to come back on temperature. ( ** We used empty air transport boxes from import out of Kenia ).

We also pressed the boxes extremely ! All that with the thought that if this works, normal treatment also will.
After unpacking we’ve cut 1 or 2 cm of the foot of the stems and put them on water for a week to see the results.

Conclusions : The plumes restore to their original form very soon ( within a few hours ), no heating in the boxes, no Botrytis ( or such ) and still a very good vaselife ( even the treatment that went dry in the box ) and that during hot summer temperatures.

On the pictures the test directly after putting them on water. The last two are detail pictures of “Sunday salmon” and “bronze” to show the form of the plume.